Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

Fun Christmas Facts

  • The song "White Christmas" holds the credit as the most-selling Christmas single of all time.
  • Santa Claus has nine reindeer counting Rudolph that pull his sleigh.
  • Saturnalia, was the Romans holiday that was celebrated in December.
  • It wasn't until about 200 years after Christ's death that Christians started celebrating his birth.
  • In northern Europe there was a holiday known as Yule. They celebrated this holiday by making great fires. They then would dance around the fires, yelling for the winter to end.
  • Austria was the first country to issue a Christmas postage stamp.
  • Silver and gold are the popular Christmas colors after red and green.
  • Eggnog the popular Christmas food was an American discovery.
  • The Christmas carol "I Saw Momma Kissing Santa Claus" was made famous by Jimmy Boyd when he was just 12 years old.
  • Christmas lights were invented by the American Ralph E. Morris.
  • W. C. T. Dobson invented the Christmas card.
  • Canada is the largest exporter of Christmas trees.
  • King's Canyon National Park, California has the world's largest Christmas tree.
  • Coca-Cola made the concept of Santa Claus popular in America.
  • There are twelve days between Christmas and the Epiphany.


    Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

    Read this.......

    Do you know how many cigarettes are people buying in a day? In the world, a thousand of people spend hardly uncountable packs of cigarettes. It is a serious problem for the government to surpass it. Because, there are many disadvantages which caused by smoking.
    Smoking can damage the healthy.
    Much illness can be caused by smoking, such as lung cancer and asthma. The smokers have a great chance to infect lung cancer, especially the heavy smokers, because they suck many danger toxins from the ingredient of cigarettes, like nicotine and tar which caused lung cancer or asthma.
    The steam of cigarettes can cause air pollution when the smokers began to smoke; they have made air pollution in around them. Because, the steam of cigarettes will loose to the air and contaminate it.
    Smoking can disturb the passive smokers
    The danger of smoking not only to active smokers but also passive smokers. When the active smokers smoke beside the passive smokers, the steam of his cigarette will be suck by them. So, they also have chance to infect the illness like the active smokers such as lung cancer or asthma which shouldn’t they have.
    Cigarette makes someone do the crime
    After someone starts taking smoke, he want to have more. Although, the price of pack cigarette not too expensive, but if it is be done more and more, it will be a serious problem. When he have no money, whereas he is extremely want to smoke, he haven’t another way except do a crime, like steal money, so that he can smoke again. After that he will become a criminal
    Smoking can cause the death
    When the smokers consumed one cigarette, they have made their life shorter. Whereas, a smokers is always want to smoke more and more. So, it can imagine, how shorter the life of the heavy smokers are!
    It is not going to be easy to surpass problems which are caused by smoking. But, the government can decrease the disadvantages of smoking by giving the society some information about negative effect which can be caused by smoking.

    download complate document :

    Be Healthy......

    Jumat, 10 Desember 2010


    Nilai UAS 1 2010/2011 Bahasa Inggris kelas X SMAN 4 Solo MEMUASKAN

    Selamat buat anak-anak kelas X SMA N 4 Solo atas keberhasilannya dalam menempuh semester 1 tahun ajaran 2010/2011 dengan baik. untuk pencapaian nilai Bahasa Inggris dikatakan berhasil karena hampir 100 persen lulus. bagi anak-anak yang belum lulus, TETAP SEMANGAT... Don't Give Up... Ok

    Selamat menikmati liburan semester 1 dan jangan lupa tetap belajar ya...
